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即将感动你我的金曲,Emilia----Tell me why [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0 发表于: 2006-06-12

20岁出头的Emilia是来自瑞典的漂亮姑娘,全家现定居于美国纽约市。父亲是爵士乐乐手,他对Emilia 的音乐影响是不言而喻的,10岁时她便进入了斯德哥尔摩的音乐学校就读, 潜心古典课程,在学校期间 Emilia自组乐团演唱灵魂乐。18岁时,她便开始了自己风格独特的词曲创作, 从一个小姑娘的视角和观念出发,记述豆蔻年华的女孩敏感、自信、迷惑的种种的不服输, 她的声音更是灵性毕现又不乏童真。 因为乐坛这种小姑娘的情调早已很鲜有,所以Emilia就显得格外吸引人 .

单曲《Big Big World》写的就是她揣摩一个小女生的心理, 描述迷失在茫茫人海中,为离别的爱情而困惑与思想交汇心头的感觉。这是她在大学读书 的时候写下的,她抓住了年轻人面对现实世界的孤离于挫折感。

Emilia 略显沙哑而不失青春活力的嗓音深受美式 R&B曲风的影响, Tracy Chapman是她的偶像,她说自己从 Tracy 的歌声中获益无穷,学会了她生活的从容态度, 对真爱的勇敢追求。“她使我懂得了克服生命中的逆境与孤独” Emilia说:“我所做的即是自己的梦想,我要做到自己所能做到的最好,无论这个世界是多么的痛苦、悲凉与艰难......”


[MP=300,50,true]http://wma.qqqcn.com/231/a3/010/bl11.wma [/MP]


I can't remember when we use to share the same bed
You have your arms surround me
When I was afraid
No one else could make me feel the way
Like you did
Deep inside my lonely heart
Along for you
To take me home
Where we belong together
Why do you make me feel
Like I'm not here

Tell me why
Have I done something wrong
Tell me why
What we had, what's so strong
There's no one like you
So, what can I do
I need to know
Tell me why

Baby, do you really feel the same (ah)
I keep asking myself
Am I too late
How can something that seem so right
Turn that wrong

Deep inside my lonely heart
Along for you
To take me home
Where we belong
Why do you make me feel
Like I'm not here


If you could only see
What you have done for me
Wish I could turn back time
Can't get you off my mind
ouhhhh yeah


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-12 21:59:52编辑过]
只看该作者 1 发表于: 2006-06-12
我说这声音这么熟悉呢.原来Big Big World是她唱的,比较喜欢的一首歌
只看该作者 2 发表于: 2006-06-15



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